Mesiac fotografie 2017 -
Portfolio review
The winners of Portfolio review 2014: 1. Zuzana Pustaiova (SK), she is going to have an exhibition during Month of Photography 2015 2. Lara Ciarabellini (It), Wim de Schamphelaere (Bel) 3. Klaus Pichler (At)
The winners of Portfolio review 2013:
1. Magnus Cederlund (SE), he is going to have an exhibition during Month of Photography 2014 2. Maarten Boswijk (NL) 3. Jacek Fota (P)
The winners of Portfolio review 2012:
1. Jan Brykczynski, he is going to have an exhibition during Month of Photography 2013 2. Katerina Mistal, Marjan Krebelj 3. Wim de Schamphelaere, David Rojas
The winners of Portfolio review 2011: 1. Eric Stephanian (France) 2. Klaus Pichler (Austria) 3. Jana Romanova (Russia)