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Vasil Stanko was born in Myjava ,Slovakia 1962 year.His works,however,are firmly linked with Prague,where hie came in the 1981s,after he graduated from a secondary vocational school in Bratislava.
In Prague,he studied at the Department of Photography of the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts,together with other-Prague Slovaks. Stanko is recognized photographer who has become part of the cultural awareness both in Europe and overseas.His photographs present a world of their own.They arise both from live through dreams and from reported reality.In them,we share this artist`s world,which reflects the states of his soul.He is very sensitive,fragile and vulnerable.He does not speak much,he lets his photos speak for himself. The world of his imagination is expressed with the help of naked human bodies.The figure is a means of expression,mostly not concrete,even if he works with concrete persons,staging and composing his dreams to express his view of the world.He finds inspiration in empty factory halls,in deserted and devastated theatre halls,and lofts.This is the world which he fills with premeditated figural compose ;thus we have an opportunity to view not only the creative workshop of the artist,but also his private life full of hidden eroticism,moods,impressions and visions,which reflect the anxiety of our time. They represent warnings and threats,they make us reflect on the world and try to seek in it and in our inner selves a way out for the better.