Course for English speaking kids with an interest in photography
Instructor:Mgr. art. Zuzana Muranicová She earned her MFA in photography from the Ohio State University in 2008. From 2008 – 2012 she worked as an adjunct professor at the Ohio State University, teaching various courses including digital and analog photography. 2-month course, 8 sessions total (April, May) Fee: 52 Eur Age: 7-15
Kontakt: Mgr. Art Veronika Paštéková, 0905 127 185 E-mail:
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The course is meant for English speaking kids between 7-15 years of
age who are interested in photography and want to learn more. In addition to basic photographic instructions and concepts, the course offers improvement of the English language with the help of various games and description of our environment and photographic themes. The subjects will vary from portraits, city, landscape, animals, still-lifes to documents. The kids will gain new perspectives, photographic skills, and diverse vocabulary.
Every week we will cover one specific theme. The two hours will be spent on theory, presentation of different examples, practice, and evaluation of final photographs. The practical part of the course will take place either in the SEDF studio or in the city of Bratislava.
The course will be lectured in English.